Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
# The line above will help with 2to3 support.

import re
from sdss_access.sync import Cli
from random import shuffle
from os.path import sep, join
from sdss_access import is_posix

[docs] class Stream(object): max_stream_count = 5 def __init__(self, stream_count=None, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose try: self.stream_count = min(int(stream_count), self.max_stream_count) except Exception: self.stream_count = 0 self.streamlet = [{'index': index, 'sas_module': None, 'location': None, 'source': None, 'destination': None} for index in range(0, self.stream_count)] self.reset() self.index = 0 self.command = None self.env = None self.source = None self.destination = None self.cli = Cli(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def reset(self): self.reset_task() self.reset_streamlet()
[docs] def reset_task(self): self.task = []
[docs] def reset_streamlet(self): for index in range(0, self.stream_count): self.set_streamlet(index=index, sas_module=[], location=[], source=[], destination=[])
[docs] def set_streamlet(self, index=None, sas_module=None, location=None, source=None, destination=None): streamlet = self.get_streamlet(index=index) if streamlet: try: n = len(location) ok = n == len(sas_module) and n == len(source) and n == len(destination) streamlet['sas_module'], streamlet['location'], streamlet['source'], streamlet['destination'] = ( sas_module, location, source, destination) if ok else (None, None, None, None) except Exception: streamlet['sas_module'], streamlet['location'], streamlet['source'], streamlet['destination'] = ( None, None, None, None)
[docs] def get_streamlet(self, index=None, increment=1): if index is None: self.index += increment if self.index >= self.stream_count: self.index = 0 else: try: self.index = int(index) except Exception: self.index = 0 try: streamlet = self.streamlet[self.index] except Exception: streamlet = None return streamlet
[docs] def get_locations(self, offset=None, limit=None): locations = [task['location'] for task in self.task] if self.task else None if offset: locations = locations[offset:] if limit: locations = locations[:limit] if not is_posix: locations = [loc.replace('/', sep) for loc in locations] else: locations = [loc for loc in locations] return locations
[docs] def shuffle(self): shuffle(self.task)
[docs] def refine_task(self, regex=None): locations = self.get_locations() r = re.compile(regex) subset = filter(lambda i:, locations) self.task = [self.task[locations.index(s)] for s in subset]
[docs] def append_task(self, sas_module=None, location=None, source=None, destination=None): if sas_module and location and source and destination: task = {'sas_module': sas_module, 'location': location, 'source': source, 'destination': destination, 'exists': None} self.task.append(task)
[docs] def append_tasks_to_streamlets(self, offset=None, limit=None): tasks = [] ntasks = 0 for index, task in enumerate(self.task): if (offset is None or index >= offset): tasks.append(task) ntasks += 1 if limit is not None and ntasks >= limit: break for task in tasks: self.append_streamlet(task=task)
[docs] def append_streamlet(self, index=None, task=None): streamlet = self.get_streamlet(index=index) if streamlet and task: streamlet['sas_module'].append(task['sas_module']) streamlet['location'].append(task['location']) streamlet['source'].append(task['source']) streamlet['destination'].append(task['destination'])
[docs] def commit_streamlets(self): if self.command: self.cli.set_dir() for streamlet in self.streamlet: self.commit_streamlet(streamlet) if self.verbose: print("SDSS_ACCESS> streamlets added to {dir}".format(dir=self.cli.dir))
[docs] def commit_streamlet(self, streamlet=None): if streamlet: streamlet['path'] = self.cli.get_path(index=streamlet['index']) path_txt = "{0}.txt".format(streamlet['path']) streamlet['location'] streamlet['command'] = self.command.format(path=path_txt, sas_module=self.sas_module, source=self.source, destination=self.destination) if 'rsync -' in self.command: lines = [location for location in streamlet['location']] else: if not is_posix: lines = ['url ' + join(self.source, location).replace(sep,'/')+'\n'+'output ' + join(self.destination, location) for location in streamlet['location']] else: lines = ['url ' + join(self.source, location)+'\n'+'output ' + join(self.destination, location) for location in streamlet['location']] self.cli.write_lines(path=path_txt, lines=lines)
[docs] def run_streamlets(self): for streamlet in self.streamlet: streamlet['logfile'] = open("{0}.log".format(streamlet['path']), "w") streamlet['errfile'] = open("{0}.err".format(streamlet['path']), "w") streamlet['process'] = self.cli.get_background_process(streamlet['command'], logfile=streamlet['logfile'], errfile=streamlet['errfile']) if self.verbose: print("SDSS_ACCESS> rsync stream %s logging to %s" % (streamlet['index'],streamlet['logfile'].name)) # get the number of tasks per stream tasks_per_stream = [len(streamlet['location']) for streamlet in self.streamlet] # submit the stream subprocesses to the background self.cli.wait_for_processes(list(streamlet['process'] for streamlet in self.streamlet), n_tasks=len(self.task), tasks_per_stream=tasks_per_stream) if any(self.cli.returncode): path = self.streamlet[0]['path'][:-3] if self.verbose: print("SDSS_ACCESS> return code {returncode}".format( returncode=self.cli.returncode)) print("SDSS_ACCESS> Failed! See error logs in %s." % (path)) else: print("SDSS_ACCESS> Done!") for streamlet in self.streamlet: streamlet['logfile'].close() streamlet['errfile'].close()