Source code for sdss_access.sync.system_call

# License information goes here
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: 157318 2014-06-29 12:10:03Z weaver $
# This will help with 2to3 support.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
[docs] def system_call(command,test=False,logger=None,logall=False,message=None,outname=None,errname=None): """A convenient wrapper to log and perform system calls. Parameters ---------- command : str The system command to run. It will be split internally by shlex.split(). test : bool, optional Set this to true to not actually run the commands. logger : logging.logging, optional If passed a logging object, diagnostic output will be set to this object. logall : bool, optional Set this to true to always log stdout and stderr (at level DEBUG). Otherwise stdout and stderr will only be logged for nonzero status message : str, optional Call logger.critical(message) with this message and then call sys.exit(status). outname : str, optional If set, use ``outname`` as the name of a file to contain stdout. It is the responsibility of the caller of this function to clean up the resulting file. Otherwise a temporary file will be used. errname : str, optional Same as ``outname``, but will contain stderr. Returns ------- (status,out,err) : tuple The exit status, stdout and stderr of the process Examples -------- >>> status,out,err = transfer.common.system_call('date') """ from math import log10 from sys import exit from subprocess import Popen from shlex import split from tempfile import TemporaryFile from time import time, sleep if logger is not None: logger.debug(command) status = 0 out = '' err = '' # if test, return early if test: return (status, out, err) # Perform the system call if outname is None: outfile = TemporaryFile() else: outfile = open(outname, 'w+') if errname is None: errfile = TemporaryFile() else: errfile = open(errname, 'w+') proc = Popen(split(str(command)), stdout=outfile, stderr=errfile) tstart = time() while proc.poll() is None: elapsed = time() - tstart if elapsed > 500000: message = "Process still running after more than 5 days!" proc.kill() break tsleep = 10**(int(log10(elapsed)) - 1) if tsleep < 1: tsleep = 1 sleep(tsleep) # proc.wait() status = proc.returncode out = err = outfile.close() errfile.close() if logger is not None: if status == 0 and logall: if len(out) > 0: logger.debug('STDOUT = \n' + out) if len(err) > 0: logger.debug('STDERR = \n' + err) if status != 0: logger.error('status = {0}'.format(status)) if len(out) > 0: logger.error('STDOUT = \n' + out) if len(err) > 0: logger.error('STDERR = \n' + err) if message is not None: logger.critical(message) exit(status) return (status, out, err)